Friday, October 25, 2013

deeper into spirit...

First I would like to start this blog out by saying this was one of my most deepest dreams I have had in years.
I going to start out by tell you about a dream a co-worker had of me before I start mine. Maybe this is all ties in somewhere.

"A couple of days ago at work a co-worker approached me with great excitement! He said he could not wait to see me to tell me his dream! He started his story by first telling me that he was scheduled to do something else that day at work but they called him back to be at the location I would be at to start my work and thinks that this was a sign that this message is especially for me.
He said that I came to him in a dream with 2 bibles in my hands, one was a black bible with a wallet with money in it, the second bible was black with Gold trim on it and without any money in it.He said that he was with another man whom had to choose  bible also. My friend said he choose the without the wallet and the other man chose the one with the wallet and ran off. My friend says that I told him he chose the correct bible....He said that It was a good dream for me because I gave him the word.I was a messenger.

Now my dream from last night...

" In my dream I was taken down deep underground to a secret chamber I looked up I was in a narrow hallway with a door to the left and right of me. The left door started to close immediately while the right door took a little longer to close. As I walked towards the right door I had a very strong negative energy started to push me back as the door started to close. As I walked towards the door I automatically started saying, "In the name of GOD, open" and the opened back up but with great opposition to me.Now as I recall I never said the words out loud but I said them inside my heart.
As I continued walking I recall GOD being in me, I felt as if I could feel what Jesus must have felt like..
I walked towards a door that lead to something like an auditorium where there were a few people sitting around inside waiting..waiting for what I didn't know but I knew I was there to get someone.
As I looked around I felt who I was there for, I was there to get John or Lazarus and take them back with me. As I found him sitting in the back I saw it was Lazarus..I came to take him back up. As he stood up to greet me I held out both my hands and said out loud, "This is for all to witness so that you may believe"
As he put his hands into mine we started to ascend upwards over the people and as we did I kept speaking out loud," This is for those whom have not awakened and that they may see who they are and do what I am doing and if you can not awaken call on me and I will lead you out."

We ascended above the city and as I looked down I felt a great sadness inside my heart like I have never felt before, I cried so hard and my heart so badly that I had to stop and we settled on the ground..Lazarus asked, "what was wrong?" I answered by saying, "I feel the sadness of GOD  because his people do not remember who they are."

I felt what I thought GOD was feeling. It was a sadness so deep I can not describe. I woke up at 4:30am and could not go back to sleep.
All the time in the dream I wasn't praying in the name of Jesus but In the name of GOD.

Friday, September 20, 2013

My calling...

The spirits are getting restless!!
After a long time of not hearing anyone from beyond calling me yesterday the drought ended.
For a few weeks now I have been getting the a lot of energy building up in my nervous system and usually thats a sure sign that they are trying to come through and its just my body tuning in to them.
First there was a little girl that came to me calling for her daddy in the middle of the night and now theres the voice of the man that can to me yesterday but I think hes calling me.
In this short video clip you will hear me asking if there is anyone here that will like to speak and before I can finish saying it a second time something took my breath away and I could not finish speaking, I was out of breath. At the 13 or14 second mark I heard a faint call of,"Rodney".  If  you didnt know that was my name then there you are, My name is,"Rodney" Nice to meet you!
Well lets move on. I hear it better with headphones on or through my phone.
If you hear something or think you hear something different I am open to all suggestions.

Thanks for listening!

Rodney A.K.A Charlie

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Okay, Here is my quick test with my cellphone after I felt like there was someone around me, Its at the very beginning right after I ask if there was anyone here with me. I thought I heard the name, Percy. You tell me if you hear anything. It sounds clearer with headphones on or it has to be very quiet around you! let me know. Excuse my hair it was early morning! LOL!!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Can a brother get a nap in?!!!

Hey everyone!  I hope that you are doing well!  Halloween came a little early for me this year as I was trying to take a nap before work a couple of days ago.

Laying on my bed trying to get comfy for a little while I noticed that I could not shake this weird tingling feeling. I tried to just ignore it but it would not let me, it just had to keep moving around me making me uncomfortable.  after about 10 or 15 minutes I finally gave in. I picked up my cellphone and from a trick I saw on Ghost adventures I started to record me asking what spirit was around me and what was their name. Of course the human ears can not pick it up but a digital recorder can.
 I recorded a few minutes to see if I picked up on something as sure enough I did. i just wanted to let them know I feel them and if they had something to say sit it out so I can take my nap! As crazy as I may sound I finally accept that I can feel them around me.

Here is a few seconds of  my recording laying on my bed. Listen right after I ask them what is their name and you hear an answer. I still can not figure out what they said but they left me alone after that and thats all I wanted!

Happy Halloween everyone! Enjoy!